Employability Skills
Job Readiness
Sales jobs
Career guidance
Customer support jobs
Customer Experience jobs
Job placements
High-demand jobs
Interview Skills
Resume Building
Soft Skills
Fresher jobs
Mid-career jobs
Unlock hundreds of jobs.Start Your Employability Journey with LifeSkillsBharat
We connect you to hundreds of active jobs in customer experience, sales, service, admin, and more. We'll guide you through a free, quick screening to assess your communication and basic job-readiness.Then, we'll provide personalized support to help you land your dream job. Let's begin. #JobsForEveryone
FREE screening
Why LifeSkillsBharat?
Explore the Artificial Intelligence (AI) led Job-preparation & placement experience

FREE screening
Frequently asked Questions

What is LifeSkillsBharat?
LifeSkillsBharat is a free platform designed to help bridge the gap between education and employment in India. It offers services like skill screening, job preparation, and placement assistance.
Is there a cost to use LifeSkillsBharat?
No, LifeSkillsBharat is a free platform to access and use their services.
Who can benefit from using LifeSkillsBharat?
Anyone looking to improve their job prospects in India can benefit from LifeSkillsBharat. This includes students, recent graduates, and experienced professionals seeking a career change.
What kind of job preparation does LifeSkillsBharat offer?
LifeSkillsBharat offers resources and tools to help you get job-ready. This might include interview preparation, resume building assistance, and learning industry-specific skills.
How does LifeSkillsBharat help with placements?
LifeSkillsBharat may connect you with potential employers based on your skills and qualifications. They might also offer guidance on navigating the job application process.
Who founded LifeSkillsBharat?
LifeSkillsBharat was founded by Pralay and Subhadeep, both alumni of the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK). LifeSkillsBharat is also backed by a pool of very talented and purposeful set of talent across tech, product etc.
What kind of experience do the founders have?
Pralay and Subhadeep possess a wealth of experience across international markets, corporate environments, and startups. This blend equips them with a well-rounded understanding of the job market and the skills needed to succeed.
Is LifeSkillsBharat only for recent graduates?
No, LifeSkillsBharat caters to a wide range of individuals. Whether you're a student, a recent graduate, or a seasoned professional seeking a career shift, the platform can equip you with the tools and resources to excel in the job market.
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